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ZEN Pack

Pacote ZEN


Enjoy a day full of relaxing activities, offering a customizable experience.

Desfrute de um dia repleto de atividades relaxantes, possibilitando uma experiência personalizável. 


Azorean Tasting Tour

Roteiro de degustação Açoreana


Visit specific production spots and taste some of the best products that the Azores can offer.

Visite locais de produção específicos e deguste alguns dos melhores produtos Açoreanos.

 PHOTO-Lover Tours

 Passeios Educativos Fotográficos 

Educational tours, allowing you to master photographic techniques and your gear. Take with you you a better photo gallery.

Passeios educativos, que lhe irão permitir dominar técnicas fotográficas e o seu equipamento. Leve consigo uma coleção de fotografias surpreendentes.

 At FUNtastic Azores we believe that differentiaton associated with quality and friendliness are the keys to have a satisfied customer. Following this, we arranged this special section for our differentiated thematic tours. We have something for almost every kind of tastes, starting with our Photo-Lover tours, to an Azorean gastronomic excursion and we even have something special for you to relax, the ZEN pack.

Have a look in the following section bellow to find more about them.  

              THEMATIC  TOURS


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